Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Questions Without Answers

Many across the nation and the world end the day with questions, many without answers. Who is responsible? Why would they attack heavily populated Manhattan? Why planes and buildings? Where are my loved ones, and are they safe? What does this mean for our military?

Things as mundane as person to person communication were in complete disarray, even simple cell phone communication was impacted for days after the attacks. It would take days, weeks and in some cases months before these questions were understood and answered. Now, 11 years on, we are beginning to put the events of that day in context. Osama Bin Laden is dead as the result of the efforts of a highly skilled Navy Seal team. With some seperation and with his well deserved demise, we are finally beginning to put the events of that fateful day 11 years ago, into context.

Our world is still changing as a result of that day, but one thing remains certain, 'We Will Never Forget!'

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