Monday, July 27, 2009

Belagosi to America, 'I don't care'

When confronted with being one of the most despised politicians in the universe, Nancee Belagosi replied "...I don't care."

When asked if it was important to her that the President of the United States be a US citizen, Belagosi replied, "...I don't care."

When asked about the fates of the millions of unemployed in America, Belagosi replied, "...I don't care."

When asked about rising gas prices. Belagosi replied, "...I don't care."

When informed that no one believed her shtick about the CIA lying to her, Belagosi replied, "...I don't care."

When confronted with incontrovertible evidence that images of her face causes nightmares amongst 3 year old's the world over, Belagosi replied, "...I don't care."

When asked if she wanted fries with that, Belagosi replied, "...I don't care."

When America stood up and said, we're going to make you the first single term female Speaker of the House, Belagosi replied, "...I don't care."

Good, we'll see to it that it happens then, Mrs. Belagosi!

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