Tuesday, August 4, 2009

US Military; Now With Less Beef!

A visual representation of US Military strength.  Seen here is the Military under Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43 and Obama.  Can you guess which one is which?

The Terrorist Times has a story about the rusky's parking two subs off the east coast of the United States. Iran could have nuclear weapon in as little as one year. NOKO is firing off ICBMs like its New Years on the Thames. And guess what PeeBo is doing? Cutting Military spending. I totally get that logic, can't you? Don't worry, when NOKO starts blowing up west coast cities and pummeling Hawai'i (Obama's birth state, dontcha know) back into the stone age, well PeeBo's just gonna sit down and have a nice little chat with Kim Jong to talk him down.

There, don't you feel better?

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