Friday, July 9, 2010

Old Fart Even Older

Paul Mitchell in a colorized photo from shortly before his 9th birthday.  May 1846.

It's July somethingoranother, 2010.
Sorry but the days all run together when you're unemployed. As a matter of fact, I'm not even confident that it is a weekday. Someone will have to set me straight.
Anywho, it is apparently Paul Mitchell's birthday. It seems that on this day in 1837, Beelzebub's legs opened up and out of it's womb walked the meanest old pepaw the world has known. Now, I know what you're saying, 'Paul Mitchell's still alive?!' I know, I would have guessed that all the freebasing and deep throating of Coors Light bottles would have taken him by now, too. However, Paul Mitchell is somehow too strong for Death to claim his body.

Paul has done many things in his life, but his greatest achievement, apart from calling me a friend, happens to be a little blarg he runs. Maybe you've heard of it? It's called Gay Men's DP Action! Paul's been the HGIC, Head Gay In Charge, over at the self described 'fail boat' now for just over 5 damned years. He muses on everything from naked chicks to politics to naked chick politicians. So it's a, you know, smorgasbord of media and entertainment over at his place.

Some chick in Paul's uniform.

Paul is a rabid University of Southern California football fan and never misses a chance to dress up in the USC cheerleader uniform he ordered online. If you drop by his place, you can often hear him singing along to his favorite bands, Kings of Leon, Wham!, and The Pet Shop Boys. Paul is an Architect by trade, and cites Frank Lloyd Wright as one of his inspirations. Paul is constantly searching for ways to incorporate reclaimed and recycled items into his architecture as a way to save mother earth. Paul likes to get 'hands on' with his work and often can be found at the construction site as one of his buildings is being erected. He has an insatiable work ethic and never let's anthing get in his way. You know that nightmare that everyone has where they find themselves nekkid at work? Paul's lived it.

Shortly before 'the accident'
Taking over for an inept foreman, Paul jumped in to speed along a behind schedule project. It was on this day that some of Paul's flowing locks of chin hair got caught up in the belt sander, and well, we all remember visiting him in the hospital.

Paul after 'the accident'
Thankfully, Paul has made an almost complete recovery and is back to being a dirty old hippy.


Truth is, this is as far from honest as Obama is every time he open's his lying piehole. Paul is a cool guy and a great sport for letting me take a shot at him, even on his birthday. He's been a friend and has taken the time to impart some of his knowledge to me. For this I am greatly appreciative. He really does run a blog, and the content is seldom gay, but lately focuses a lot on nekkid chicks. I'm fine with that. He hates USC, Frank Lloyd Wright, Kings of Leon and Wham! Although, I'm pretty sure he's a closet Pet Shop Boys fan.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to the guy who should be running the messaging campaign for the GOP. Since he's such a good sport, I got Paul something special. Be sure to stop by his place, and while you're there, why not buy something? It's the guy's birthday after all.

Thanks to Andy for the heads up! Thanks Andy!!

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7 People Have Had Their Say:

RightGirl on July 9, 2010 at 5:04 AM said...

What a great post! Thanks for letting us know!


Andy on July 9, 2010 at 5:18 AM said...

CL, I am literally bent over here laughing...seriously...

Standing O, my friend! Standing freakin' O!!!

classicaliberal on July 9, 2010 at 11:09 AM said...

Thanks to you both. I would like to claim sole credit for this, however, my fine moral character would not allow me to. It's Andy's doing. And I'm damn glad he did.

Thanks, Andy!

The Mayor on July 9, 2010 at 2:42 PM said...

Ha! That was great!

I can't wait until it actually is Paul's birthday!

Red on July 9, 2010 at 5:01 PM said...

Helluva roast!

classicaliberal on July 10, 2010 at 1:37 AM said...

Mr. Mayor, does Paul even have birthdays?

Red, I tried to clear my mind and think, 'What Would Paul Do?'

Did it work?

Lisa G in NZ on July 12, 2010 at 9:28 PM said...

wow... I think you must know Paul a bit TOO well

funny post though...

good on ya mate


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