Monday, March 24, 2025

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

National Offend A Feminist Week

It's 'National Offend A Feminist Week' according to Doug Ross. Who am I to disagree?

So, so far this week we've determined that women should not be told they're useful, they should remain in the kitchen and now we learn that they cannot drive. Well, 'learn'... we already knew. This just happens to be confirmation. You ever get behind a short woman driving a minivan?! Oy!

Be sure to check out The Mayor's own In Shape Week!

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2 People Have Had Their Say:

Andy on May 12, 2010 at 4:40 PM said...

CL, I hope my wife doesn't read this comment. The first two houses we owned ended up with an LTD right-front-bumper-shaped hole in the sheet rock in the garage.

And, you ought to see the Mercury Sable she drives now. Did you know that the yellow paint on those posts in a parking lot actually comes off when you hit one, and you can NEVER get it all out of a rear bumper?

classicaliberal on May 13, 2010 at 7:34 AM said...

Andy, you do understand that this is all your fault, right? I mean, you allowed her to take the vehicle from the house to start with. She was probably laying some line on you like "I'm an excellent driver" or "K-Mart sucks", but in the end it was you that caved and let her pull out of the driveway and on to the roads.


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