Monday, March 24, 2025

Thursday, May 13, 2010

National Offend A Feminist Week

It's 'National Offend A Feminist Week' according to Doug Ross. Who am I to disagree?

There's some sort of rule about having a tag and whether or not they're in season, but I believe the answer is yes. You see, there is clearly nothing wrong with this picture. She is being openly defiant in front of other coworkers, and challenging his authority. He would be well within his rights. I'm just saying...

Be sure to check out The Mayor's own In Shape Week! This is a link to Yesterday's In Shape. Be sure to stick around his place to see today's!

Please take the time to comment! Click the Informed Opinion Link adjacent to the Post Title.

2 People Have Had Their Say:

Skunkfeathers on May 14, 2010 at 3:14 AM said...

What? There are feminazis still around? I thought they all went the way of Hillary's inevitable presidency...

classicaliberal on May 14, 2010 at 12:18 PM said...

I found it hard to believe, too, Skunks. However, they appear to be like a bad rash. They never really go away...


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