Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shamelessly Self Congratulating

Thanks iOwnTheWorld!
So, what do you figure happens when your lowly CentralCal buddy get's linked by the big bloggy show over at iOTW? That! That's what happens!!! Site traffic skyrockets, baby. Of course, BigFurHat is on the comedic level of Mr. Mayor which adds to the level of prestige. I am now worthy to be counted amongst the likes of Paul Mitchell, Andy and Innominatus.

Anywho, thanks to BigFurHat and his team for making my day week month year.

Please take the time to comment! Click the Informed Opinion Link adjacent to the Post Title.

4 People Have Had Their Say:

The Mayor on May 18, 2010 at 10:36 AM said...

I love those surprise spikes. Mitchieville gets them from time to tie, but for sugjects like "bigguns" and "moobs", important stuff like that.

classicaliberal on May 18, 2010 at 10:49 AM said...

It's well known throughout the bloggosphere that you, Mr. Mayor, are the go to authority on "moobs".

Andy on May 18, 2010 at 1:38 PM said...

Don't let The Mayor fool ya', CL...

I am the undisputed world champeen when it comes to Moobs.

And, when it comes to seismic predictions of BoobQuakes.

And, the biggest of all boobs.

Congrats on your big day, CL! Now, if you can ever get MSNBC.commode to link to you, it will probably finish you off forever.

Just sayin'...

classicaliberal on May 18, 2010 at 6:10 PM said...

Well Andy, I'm content to let you and The Mayor fight it out over the title of 'King of the Moobs'.

Wear the title with pride and honor, boys.


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