Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday, May 10, 2010

National Offend A Feminist Week

It's 'National Offend A Feminist Week' according to Doug Ross. Who am I to disagree?

Never tell a woman that she's useful.  You're likely to get their hopes up.  I mean, what the hell are we supposed to do with them when the war is over?  Looks like this broad is using a grinder.  I sure hope that grinder is in the kitchen, or there is going to be hell to pay when her husband gets home.

In keeping with this week's theme, Paul suggests you become a fan of this Failbook Group.

Be sure to check out The Mayor's own 'In Shape Week'!

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2 People Have Had Their Say:

Andy on May 10, 2010 at 3:28 PM said...

"...what the hell are we supposed to do with them when the war is over?"

I'm sure you are wise enough in the ways of male/female relationships to realize that your question has no answer.

The war will never be over.

On a serious note, that is a cool pic. The gal in the drawing looks almost exactly like my Grandmother at that age. She worked in a ship-yard in San Diego while my Granddaddy was in the Pacific. Seriously, the resemblance is striking! My Grandmother was a REAL looker back in the 40's & 50's. I wonder if she may have posed for this. Seriously, I've seen photos of her from that era that make me think she may have.


Paul Mitchell on May 10, 2010 at 6:07 PM said...

If the grinder is in the pantry, that is okay, too.


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